5 Habits to Manage Your Finances Better
Imagine going through life carrying the burden of debt and financial illiteracy because you were educated by someone who wasn't more knowledgeable. Painful, I know! I want to share 5 Habits to Manage Your Finances Better. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but most...
Don’t Buy Your Way Into Poverty
How many items are on your list this season to be charged on your credit cards? Family member just died- Charge Recent Breakup- Charge No invitation to any holiday parties- Charge Several invitations to holiday parties- Charge The BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR- Charge Just...
Student Loan Deferment vs. Forbearance: What’s the Difference?
After graduating from undergraduate school and working less than 30 hours a week; I looked into postponing my student loan payments to be able to pay my necessary bills. Due to me having a Government Subsidized Federal student loan, I was able to put my student loan...
Is Co-Signing A Good Idea?
This tool has been helpful to teens and young adults looking for a way to build their credit. Additionally, co-signers are suitable for people who cannot get approved because of initial lousy credit. Co-signing means leeching on someone else’s good credit. Co-signing...

Should You Open a Store Credit Card?
“No, I would not like to open a line of credit to save 10% on my $4.99 purchase”. I mumbled as the clerk offered me the opportunity to sign up for a store credit card before closing my transaction. I hate when they ask me that, mainly because it’s usually for small...
Tips for Improving Bad Credit
If you have bad credit and would like to see an increase in your credit score, then be sure to pay close attention to the following: 1. Your Payment History which calculates 35% of your total score, is determined on you paying your bills every month on...
Rebuild Credit with a Credit Builder Loan
You can build your credit by deciding to use the credit- builder loans. This method requires that you apply for a loan. Here is the catch, whether you have bad credit or good credit history, you will be approved. You don't get to keep the loan you apply for, instead,...
How Does a Secured Credit Card Work?
You can build your credit by owning a secured credit card. This has made building credit easy for people who are in a hurry to get a credit card of their own. This particular method is useful to people who are building their credit from scratch. How does this work? To...
What to do with your left over funds after paying your student loans?
As tempting as it may be to splurge after paying off your student loans, you should take the money that you were making payments on to pay off any high-interest debt like credit cards or other loans. It is possible to take a small percentage of your money and put it...
Credit Cards to Protect Your Loved Ones
Americans love credit cards! Just think back to the first time you had your first transaction. The euphoria you felt when you knew that your card wouldn’t decline. Yes! This is the moment that you’ve dreamed of. At least until your dream began to turn into a...