Financial Health is just as important as any other aspects of your health. Having knowledge about your personal finances and options to grow your wealth will greatly benefit you because you will:

  • Become an expert over your money
  • Become a good steward over your money
  • Learn how to create generational wealth
  • Learn how to break the cycles of debt and poverty
When it comes to making your money grow exponentially, do you know your risk level?
  • Personal finance is the trade-off between consuming today and saving tomorrow
  • Here is a very BASIC list of possible ways to invest your money
Low Risk:
  • Bonds
  • High-Quality Bonds
  • Government Bonds
High Risk:
  • Stocks
  • Options
  • Mutual Funds
Whenever you make the decision to invest your money, ALWAYS do your homework first. There are free sites on the internet that can educate you on whatever investment questions that you may have (I love Just remember:
  • Low Risk = Small Returns
  • High Risk = Large Returns
Invest at your own risk, and let your money work for you.