Are you looking for ways to pay for college without borrowing money to attend? This blog will show you 3 ways you can pay for college while attending.
The secret to college is graduating with the least debt possible. According to, the Class of 2017 average debt is $39,400. There are currently 44.2 million Americans with student loan debt.
These numbers are alarming, but I have a few solutions that can get you ahead of the game by reducing or eliminating the need for any student loan debt.
1) Work-Study to Pay for College
Most colleges and universities offer opportunities to work for the school, while they pay partial or full tuition in return. Additionally, you may have a few extra dollars to take home to enjoy. Work-study is typically related to your field of study, but some options vary, such as working as a Resident Assistant in the dorms, the library, or the food court.
2) Grants and Scholarships to Pay for College
Did you know that you may be eligible to apply for grants and scholarships every year enrolled in your college or university? What are you waiting for? Apply today! (Tip: Apply at for FREE, and start earning FREE money today!!!) *Disclaimer- This will be very time-consuming, so I would encourage dedicating at least 5 hours a week to putting in applications.
3) Use your Talent to Pay for College
You never know what your talents are until you need money. Try to earn a scholarship by playing a sport or being in a band. Other ways to make money are cooking, cleaning, nannying, babysitting, pet sitting, tutoring, being a Youtuber, Uber, or Lyft driver. If you are fortunate enough to own a home, rent it out on Airbnb, but beware of leasing it to “wild college students.”
The possibilities are unlimited! Start with these 3 ways to pay for college while attending, as these are your best chances of making a nice lump sum of money without having to “sell your soul.” Check out my FREE Resources 107 Ways to Make More Money Cheatsheet.
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